What is Organic Farming ?

In order to re-establish previously damaged or destroyed ecological balance in nature, organic farming aims to correct unwanted results of wrong production practices by using; biological methods to control pests and diseases, to improve soil fertility, to contain environment and human friendly production systems, to ban the use of synthetic and chemical fertilizer and pesticides while encouraging organic and green fertilizing, crop rotation and soil conservation. From farm to table, organic farming has control methods for each and every farm practices and provides certificates for organic products and their producers.
Organic farming contains human and environment friendly production systems that aim re-ordering previously destroyed ecological balance in nature as results of wrong production practices.
Aims of Organic Farming

The aims for organic farming are: Conserving environment and natural resources, re-establishing ecological balance, encouraging sustainable agriculture, improving soil fertility, conserving flora and fauna, increasing genetic diversity, and putting an end to chemical pollution and toxic residues.
In addition to banning the use of every kind of synthetic and chemical pesticides and fertilizers, organic agriculture encourages practicing organic and green fertilization, crop rotation, soil conservation, improving plants resistance to pests and diseases, benefiting from parasites and predators. The main goal of organic agriculture is not raising the quantity, but improving the quality of food products. Now, by practicing organic agriculture, it is possible to produce agricultural goods without polluting soil, water resources, and air while protecting environment, plant, animal, and human healths.
Why Organic Farming is Needed?

Lots of agricultural land have been affected from pollution and instability in nature as a results of synthetic chemical inputs (synthetic mineral fertilizers and synthetic chemical pesticides, etc.) and their excessive use without any control,
Besides loss of soil, erosion decreases the amount of organic material and humus in soil and causes loss of horizan A in soil profile. And this results the loss of beneficial soil microorganisms.
Modern, intensive agriculture causes many problems, including the following:
- Continuously producing only one commodity and not using crop rotation results increase of pests and diseases
- Some beneficial pests exterminated and the base for biological fighting has been destroyed as a result of using chemical pesticides.
- Artificial fertilisers (especially quick solved nitrates) and herbicides are easily washed from the soil and pollute underground water resources, rivers, lakes, and water courses and results nitrates poisonings both in humans and animals.

The use of environment friendly organic Farming Practices is essential to prevent these harms while producing and consuming nutritious food. Following all these negative effects, conscious consumers in many countries, especially in the most developed countries, have been getting organized to urge and encourage farmers to practice environment and human friendly organic agricultural production.
- At the beginning of organic farming procedures, one should plan what kind and how much of organic production will be realised before sending the application form to a control and certification agent (ORSER).
- Producers can practice organic production as individuals while they can act as a group of producers, company, unions, and cooperatives. Applicants need to fill the application form in our website and send it to ORSER.
- If the applicant is a group or a judicial individuality, the group leader must sign contracts with organic producers and send a copy of the contract to ORSER before signed.
- After controlling, the contracts are signed then organic production term will be started according to the commodity and production conditions.
- The duration of the transition period is decided regarding the location of the land, commodity, annual or perennial crops, the use of chemicals and pesticides in previous years.
- Click here to download the organic farming application form.
Why Control and Certification Procedures are needed in Organic Farming?
In order to be put on the market, an organic product must be controlled, produced and certificated according to related organic agriculture regulations.
During the control and certification period, after completion of the transition period, the products can be marketed as “Organic Product” after the Control and Certification Agent’s approval. Regarding crop production, organic products which produced during the first 12 months of organic farming period, are valued as “transition period products”.
For this purpose, organic agriculture practices must be recorded and kept under control from the very beginning by the control and certification agent authorized by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. In order the products to be marketed as organic, producer and product certificates must be given by the control and/or certification agent. Products which are not controlled or certified by a control and certification agent can not be marketed as “organic products”.